
Showing posts from June, 2020


June 22 Had a good bday spent the day working! Got to go visit my dad for Father’s Day and celebrate my bday with the fam! My baby went to town on the cake!! A girl after my own heart!!!  I will be going this Saturday to get my covid test before surgery and blood work and an EKG. Still wishing my hubby could stay with me in the hospital but it will only be 2 to 3 days!  I will try to do my best to keep you all updated while I am in the hospital!!!  P.s also got this kick ass shirt from my bestie!


June 4 So I will be having liver ablation and 2 lymphnodes removed on June 30th at university of chicago!! The one crappy thing is that James will only be able to be with me before surgery :(  I do not know if I will have to have clean up chemo after or not. But I am ok if I need to.. Glad to be back at work making some money. But I am looking forward to this break at the end of the month because people are driving me crazy!!! Until next time!