Alright, Just got my pet scan results. But first I had a CT scan a week before the pet scan. The ct scan showed no active cancer. Which was hard to believe bc they said they didn't get all of a lymph node during my liver ablation and lymph node removal surgery that was June 30th. So that's why they ordered a pet scan. So she told me today that the liver lit up on the pet scan but it could just be inflammation from surgery. And that the lymph nodes were not as bright. So they suggested waiting 10 weeks and doing another ct scan. So my worry is why would we do another ct scan if the first one didn't show anything that the pet scan did? When I asked her how long the liver stays inflamed she had no answer for me. So I am just worried about waiting the 10 weeks to scan again. This is also not coming from my primary oncologist. This is coming from the doctors at UChicago Medicine the hospital I had surgery at. Ughh just don't know how to fe...