
I am sorry I have not been keeping up on this very well!! The last 2 chemo treatments went well. I usually don't sleep the day of hook up because of the steroids they give me, so that is a hard night and I usually work the next day and that can be pretty tiring! But I am a badass bitch and will get through this no matter what!! I recently had my latest CT scan done on the 22 of December and just talked to the oncologist today and he said everything has gotten smaller and nothing new has popped up so that is great news and I will continue with the treatment we are currently doing. When I go next week I will ask him what the plan of attack is. Are we trying to get me to surgery again or not will be the question I am asking. Again I apologize to anyone who is regularly on here checking for updates. I have been slacking the last few treatments! James and I had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas. He spoiled me rotten and got me everything I asked for and more! H...