Happy March!!! Still kickin cancers butt and staying strong. From the most recent ct scan March 1st, the Doctor says a lymph node shrunk in size which is a plus and the spots in the liver are stable. He wants to do a pet scan in 2 months which will show the tissues work on a cellular level. So 4 more treatments then a scan. Been feeling fine besides being tiresome and toes are still numb due to the lingering neuropathy. Hoping for better results next scan. Thanks to my loving and caring husband James, he says he will never quit. My fight is his fight and we will beat this together! I would like to thank Robyn for the care card including the restaurant gift cards. You are amazing and we can't thank you enough for your generosity! My unhook will be Friday and that's usually when I'm more nauseous. Crossing fingers it's not horrible this week. Please continue to pray and keep us in your thoughts as we continue our journey together.