

 Yesterday I found out I get to take a chemo break!! My hands got pretty bad so that is why. My oncologist here is going to talk to the dr in Chicago to see if surgery is an option for the lymph node other than that he said that the liver was clear of any active cancer!!!


Tuesday thru Thursday I am hooked up to my pump and my worst side affects from this treatment are my hands swollen, itching and peeling. Wednesday night through Thursday are my worst days. The pain in my hands is so intense I can't help but cry cause it hurts so much. Not much the Dr's can do besides pain management. James came home from work to be with me.♥️ I want this to be over already!!!😥😢😥😢  


 17 years ago I met the man who I love and will spend the rest of my life with, James. He is an inspiration to me and many others. He has always been by my side no matter what, now and forever!  He has created STAMPS4HOPE to help me and others cope with life's obstacles by sending them a card of smiles. To learn more visit  Thank you to all those who have been there for us when we needed it most!


Happy March!!! Still kickin cancers butt and staying strong. From the most recent ct scan March 1st, the Doctor says a lymph node shrunk in size which is a plus and the spots in the liver are stable. He wants to do a pet scan in 2 months which will show the tissues work on a cellular level. So 4 more treatments then a scan. Been feeling fine besides being tiresome and toes are still numb due to the lingering neuropathy. Hoping for better results next scan. Thanks to my loving and caring husband James, he says he will never quit. My fight is his fight and we will beat this together! I would like to thank Robyn for the care card including the restaurant gift cards. You are amazing and we can't thank you enough for your generosity! My unhook will be Friday and that's usually when I'm more nauseous. Crossing fingers it's not horrible this week. Please continue to pray and keep us in your thoughts as we continue our journey together. 

Valentine's weekend!

  So glad we go to spend the weekend with my boogie!! We celebrated her 2nd birthday and had a blast outside playing!  The lovely flowers are from my amazing sister in law and brother. They heard I was having a rough day and decided to brighten it with some roses!! The cancer slayer shirt is from a fellow colon cancer Warrior named Joe. He rallied and got a bunch of people to send amazing cards and drawings it was great. On another note I got thrush for the second time. If your not familiar with what it is... well it is a fungal infection in my mouth that coats the tongue and ends up running down my throat and causing a sore throat. They originally prescribed a mouth rinse that they wanted me to rinse and then swallow. Needless to say I just can't do that so they set me up with an antifungal pill that is for 6 days. I am not sure if I will have to take that everytime I get treatment or if it will stay away this next week. When I get treatment number 21!! Hope everyone had...

January 22

 Today I got unhooked!! It all went well. I got sleeping meds for Wednesday night and unfortunately they didn't help at all! But I got great sleep last night so that is good. We are going to be doing scans the end of February and see how that is going!  On a lighter note today is my lil boogies birthday I can't believe she is 2 already. I am just glad I am here to see her growing up. I hope to see her at her 40th birthday!! These are the things that make me sad if I miss out on all the littles in my life. I don't want to go anywhere anytime soon but it is so scary having this stage 4 diagnosis at such a young age! But I have to remember to take one day at a time and to think positive!  Sorry for not updating as regularly as I should I will try to be better at the updates!!


 I am sorry I have not been keeping up on this very well!! The last 2 chemo treatments went well. I usually don't sleep the day of hook up because of the steroids they give me, so that is a hard night and I usually work the next day and that can be pretty tiring! But I am a badass bitch and will get through this no matter what!! I recently had my latest CT scan done on the 22 of December and just talked to the oncologist today and he said everything has gotten smaller and nothing new has popped up so that is great news and I will continue with the treatment we are currently doing. When I go next week I will ask him what the plan of attack is. Are we trying to get me to surgery again or not will be the question I am asking.   Again I apologize to anyone who is regularly on here checking for updates. I have been slacking the last few treatments!  James and I had a great Thanksgiving and Christmas.  He spoiled me rotten and got me everything I asked for and more! H...