Jan. 26

Had an amazing trip to michigan to celebrate lil Harpers birthday!! I just can’t believe she is 1 already! How time flies! I know I shouldn’t think sad things but celebrating her birthday just makes me think how many birthdays will I get to be here for. I have been very positive for most of this journey but i have my bad thoughts every once in a while. I always try to push those thoughts away but with this cancer diagnosis it makes you wonder. But I will continue to be positive and kick this cancer in the ass so I can be here for a long time!

On a medical note.. the oncologist decided that after the port study and still having that chest tightness on the right side that we will go ahead and do a procedure to lasso the end of the tube and “pull” out down in hopes that will help!! I will keep everyone posted on when that will be and how it goes!!


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