March 24

I decided last Wednesday that working was not a good idea. Luckily our owner decided to close our store down and then a few days later closed all of the stores because of the nonessential store closures. We have been playing board/ cards games, coloring in our adult coloring books and cleaning around the house. James colored the 2 pictures posted below and his hand is hurting now lol. They say until April 7th but who knows if it will last longer than that. James’ work shut them down a day after I was. So I am thankful that I don’t have to worry about him catching anything and bringing it back home.

I am so grateful for facetime because I get to talk to my Sissy and my baby Harper.. She makes me smile everyday and is getting so big!! I think next time we see her she will be walking and I will have to knock her over bc I am not ready for that!! (Lol I wouldn’t really knock her over)

The doctors had prescribed me steroids on my unhook day to see if that would help with the pain in my chest, neck and upper back. It did help but they only did 3 days. So yesterday I called to see if they would do more because it actually helped. I am now on a 4mg steroid for the rest of the week until next treatment. 

I want to give a big thank you to all that have asked to help us in this crazy time. Just picking up some things at the grocery store is a huge help. I am trying to be better at asking for help as I am one stubborn woman and just want to do things myself! So these next couple of weeks I will be taking all the help I can get to try and stay safe and healthy!!

Happy quarantine everyone!!!!


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